Frequently Asked Questions

AP Automation

It takes just 5 days to activate AP Automation. You’ll have access to a fully working system ready for final tuning and training.

Supplier Portal

A recent study reported that 35% of an AP staff member’s time is spent supporting suppliers. They are responding to inbound emails and phone calls from suppliers inquiring on the status of invoices and when they are going to be paid. The Supplier Portal is a self-service solution which frees your team to focus on their priorities, not inbound inquiries.


Nivo1’s payments program is a form of Supply Chain Finance, but with no financial guarantee required from you. The program simply allows your suppliers to get paid sooner on approved invoices in exchange for a small discount. This is not a loan; suppliers are simply accelerating the payment on their invoice. It requires nothing from you and helps to ensure the stability of your supply chain.