Accounts Payable Manager

What Happened to the Milkman?
I grew up in Pittsburgh in the 1960’s, on a cul-de-sac overrun by children aged 5 to 15. Each of their families consumed milk…lots of milk. We had two deliveries...

The Road to Touchless Processing
AP automation promises, and usually delivers, significant benefits to an organization. Automation speeds up invoice processing times, allowing companies to take better advantage of prompt payment discounts. Automation eliminates manual...

The Road to Touchless Processing: Step 3, Define Your Metrics
This is the third blog post in a series on touchless processing. In the first post, I likened touchless processing to the parable of the six blind men and the...

The Road to Touchless Processing: Step 2, Define Your Rule Set
This is the third blog post in a series on touchless processing. In the first post, I likened touchless processing to the parable of the six blind men and the...

What Does “Out-of-the-Box” Mean?
In recent conversations with several prospects, we learned that they are implementing (or just implemented) an “out-of-the-box SaaS AP automation solution." Actually, the vendors involved represented their AP automation solution...

AP Automation and the Total Cost of Ownership
API-based IntegrationFile-based IntegrationExplanationIdentifying required data elements within the ERP system$0$API-based integrations are pre-built and maintained by the vendor. They automatically read the structure of the ERP system and identify the...