Be Prepared for the Important Questions

Last month, we blogged about the importance of customers asking AP automation vendors the tough questions up front. This time, we’re turning the tables on you, the customer. As vendors, there’s a lot we don’t know about your environment, your aspirations and your organization. We spend a lot of our time (and your time) getting…

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Ask the Tough Questions Up Front

As we roll into 2022, AP Automation is on the minds of financial leaders. It’s one of many digital transformation initiatives that are transforming the way companies conduct business. However, the AP automation landscape can be a bit confusing and a typical evaluation can often take months to complete. The typical evaluation Most customers approach…

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Advantages of Being in the Early Majority for AP Automation

This is the third installment in series of blog posts regarding the Diffusion of Innovation. In the previous blogs, I provided an overview of the concept, discussed the characteristics of buyers in the “early majority” phase, and the penalties associated with being late (crop failure being just one example). Now let’s turn to the advantages.…

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